How/Why to Celebrate even in Failures?

How to Celebrate Failure

Trying our new things is so much fun, but failing is not. Most of us feel upset, angry and sometimes even disappointed too. The main problem of this reaction is that many times it prevents us from trying further and this is where real failure begins, i.e. lack of further attempts.

On the other hand, if we continue to celebrate from our failures, no matter how small or big they are, then we would never stop trying out new things and eventually achieve great results.

According to research, it has been shown that these qualities are linked to lifelong success. People who don’t give up easily from their early days are more likely to achieve bigger things in future. It could be anything from getting good grades in school and college, to finding and keeping up a good job, to having a better relationship, and so on.

Here’s a step by step guide to help you build perseverance and resilience than you currently have:

Step One - Desiring to Change

The first and foremost step is to recognize that there are some qualities like perseverance and resilience which you would want to develop. Knowing the fact and desiring to change is the first step towards transforming our life.

Step Two - Getting Aware

I am not saying we shouldn’t value happiness at all. But the real problems comes up when we try to overvalue it and thus try to be happy even when we are not. This only shows up that we have a darker side but we aren’t ready to accept it. If you are not happy, express it. This will help you to know yourself better and how to fix it.

Step Three - Plan Upfront

Next step is you need to decide how you would want to react when you fail next time. For example: you can decide that the next time when you fail in a project, you will choose to relax, breathe and acknowledge that this was because of lack of planning or execution. Likewise, if you have failed to do something you have promised someone then you can simply apologize to them and recommit on that again (be sure to get it done this time).

Step Four - Remember Quotes

Go online and check for some inspiring quotes which you can go through everytime you fail. There are so many quotes available. The key thing here is everytime we fail, we want someone or something to help us lift again. And this is what these quotes would do. Keep them in your phone, pocket or somewhere you can access easily and refer to it whenever you are feeling down.

Step Five - Pat Yourself

Always remember to pat yourself when you have made progress, even if that is little bit of progress. Our growth can become tedious if we ourselves forget to notice our progress. So instead of just watching the next thing to target, try celebrating success too.

Step Six - Learning Curve

Lastly, have a desire to always learn from every failure. These challenges are the ones which makes us work harder, learn more and become stronger. And this is really good stuff in itself. Sometimes we know that the road are not good enough but we know we are on the track to doing great things.

Nobody could better explain about this topic that the man himself who has failed so many times and yet has come up strong everytime to lead one of the top football teams in the world.

“I start early and I stay late, day after day, year after year, it took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success.”

--- Lionel Messi

Likewise there are so many examples whether you talk about Roger Federer or Yuvraj Singh or anyone else. They all have something in common, i.e. not losing when they actually lost.

I know you want to be a superstar at your life. So start celebrating success and failures and go out there to change the world.