How to Live Life without Stress?

How to Live Life without Stress?

Stress is one of the most important problem for people these days. It could be hectic and stressful job, unhealthy home life, lots of bills and loans to worry about, bad habits like drinking, smoking, and so on.

However, some people also think that stress sometimes is necessary for us. Because this is something which will challenge us everyday and help us to grow. Is it? Not Sure though. However, too much of anything is always a problem and similarly when stress goes too high, it usually causes unhappiness and unhealthy state of mind.

“Why is there so much stress in life? It’s because we focus too much on improving our lifestyle rather than our life.”

It all started here

I happen to meet someone in my life whom I have been good friend with for sometime and that person agreed to how she has changed her life completely.

It wasn’t too long probably when she was working for longer hours in a very stressful environment in her job, with absolutely very little time for her family. On top of that too many bad habits like eating junk food all the time throughout the day and not maintaining a healthy diet.

Because of these things, she has started losing most of her friends in her life. There was a point where she even lost the person who she loved the most. And all of this added fuel to the fire. Yeah. She was completed stressed out.

So what happened then?

She made some drastic changes in her life. From Quitting her stressful job to changing eating habits. Pretty much everything. She simplified her life in a new way by doing exercise and eating healthy food. She started giving more time to her family and also eliminated all her debts. During the course of the changes, she learned that some habits can really transform the way you live life everyday, in a positive way.

But how all of this happened? Did some miracle happened?

She did a major rehaul of her life. Interesting, she took one habit a month and changed it. And if you see over the course of one year or two, she has completely changed her life.

“Dear Stress. Let’s breakup...”

So I picked out few things which worked for her. I won’t guarantee that all of these will work for you. It worked for some people, but each person is different. Give them a try by picking and choosing the ones that works best for you. But be sure to pick one at a time.

Read - 15 Ways to Stop Stressing and Start Living