s Why I Believe in God and You might too - Chintan Jain

Why I Believe in God and You might too

Why I Believe in God

Believing in God is a choice which all of us can make. And I am not going to tell you why you should believe in God. But I am going to tell you why I believe in God and you might too indirectly.

For me, there are absolutely so many reasons to believe in him. And these are few of them. I am sure you might also have some of them common for you..

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To me, all of it is answerable in one single line:

“If God didn’t exist, then nothing else would exist.”

Amazing parents

If not for anything else in this world. I would firmly believe that God has given me some of the most amazing parents in the world. My parents have cared for me a lot and have given me everything possible which they could afford. A lot of time, I have been asked are our parents real God to us and I would simply smile at them because they already know the answer for it.

Brought me into this world

Because I have been brought into this world by my parents, who are like God to me and thus my conclusion is God exist.

Friends at the right time

Ofcourse, I have had friends who have left me in my difficult times, but there were some amazing friends whom I have met exactly at the right time and that changed a lot of things in my life. I assume that this is not a sign of coincidence, but an act of God.

Special People

It is very hard to find special people in life, who are all for you anytime and anywhere. Fortunately, I have tons of them in my life and I firmly believe this couldn’t have been possible without God showing his true care of myself.

Life Lessons

Just like how our parents will always want us to improve and grow in life, God would also want us to improve in life and that’s probably the only reason why he might put you in trouble so that you can learn from it. These are some of the important life lessons God teaches us and I am sure you wouldn’t want to miss out.

Blessing on me

Everything I have achieved till now, always had some contribution from God. It could be in form of luck, by sending someone at the right time to the right place, or indirectly motivating me through somebody. Trust me, his blessings are always on us, we just need to realize it.

Therefore, I believe there is a God. I also know for the fact that some of these are not logical explanation of the existence of God, but I am sure you would agree to my points, even though there is no living proof.