Why Intelligent people prefer to spend more time alone?
London school of economics decided to a study on this to measure the level of happiness on every individual when they socialize and when they are left alone. The research concluded saying that people with lower to average IQ were more happier and were socializing with their friends regularly and had great number of friends. On the contrary, people with high level of IQ felt happier when they were left alone and the amount of happiness which they got from their friends was very little.
It is because they are unable to find like minded people all the time, they have decided to spend more time alone in finding more about themselves and doing things which are important to them.
Intelligent people have lot of advantages in themselves, but because they are not able to mingle with lot of people, just like how normal people does, people think that they actually prefer to be alone. However, this might not be the case. They would want someone to ask them for friendship, which doesn’t happen most times and ultimately they choose to spend more time alone than with others.
Following are some of the reasons why intelligent people always prefer to spend more time alone:
--> They tend to commit themselves to work most of the time and thus have very less time for others.
--> They have extremely strong views about certain things, by which not everybody would want to take them into their company.
--> They are extremely busy in their own world because they have bigger and ambitious goals.
--> They can easily spot people when they try to be fake, and they prefer not to be with these people.
--> They try to go away from people who always love drama.
--> They believe that most people are scary from them and thus they tend to stay away.
I have written some more interesting articles related to being intelligent - why intelligent have tough time in relationships, and why intelligent people can’t find happiness easily.